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Fitness WOD: Upper Body Isometric Workout I

The Workout:

  1. Progressive Low Push-Up Hold (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds)
    • Base: Start in a push-up position.
    • Progression 1: Lower your body towards the floor as close as possible without touching and hold/
    • Progression 2: Lower your body towards the floor and hold at the halfway point between the top position and floor
    • Progression 3: Lower your body towards the floor and hold at the top quarter of a push up.
  2. Progressive Isometric High Plank to Downward Dog (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds)
    • Base: In a push-up position (AKA high plank) lift your rear towards the ceiling by flexing your hips to the point where your head is between your arms and hold.
    • Progression 1: In a push-up position (AKA high plank) lift your rear towards the ceiling by flexing your hips and reaching one hand towards your opposite foot (not a requirement to touch) and hold. Return to push up position and repeat on opposite side.
  3. Prone Isometric I, Y, T’s (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds each)
    • Base: Laying flat face down on the floor, exercise mat, bench, or table, begin by lifting your chest and raising your arms in either the I, Y, or T position and hold. Focus on engaging your scapulas (shoulder blades) by squeezing them back together and down your back. Hold position and repeat with other movements.
  4. Weighted Isometric Forward Raise (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds twice on each side)
    • Base: Standing straight up holding a weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, bottles, textbooks, etc.) straight raise your arms forward until your hands are shoulder height and hold.
    • Progression 1: Standing straight up holding a weight by squeezing with open hands (2 small weighted plates or 2 books/textbooks) straight raise your arms forward until your hands are shoulder height and hold.