Fitness WOD: Upper Body Isometric Workout I
The Workout:
- Progressive Low Push-Up Hold (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds)
- Base: Start in a push-up position.
- Progression 1: Lower your body towards the floor as close as possible without touching and hold/
- Progression 2: Lower your body towards the floor and hold at the halfway point between the top position and floor
- Progression 3: Lower your body towards the floor and hold at the top quarter of a push up.
- Progressive Isometric High Plank to Downward Dog (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds)
- Base: In a push-up position (AKA high plank) lift your rear towards the ceiling by flexing your hips to the point where your head is between your arms and hold.
- Progression 1: In a push-up position (AKA high plank) lift your rear towards the ceiling by flexing your hips and reaching one hand towards your opposite foot (not a requirement to touch) and hold. Return to push up position and repeat on opposite side.
- Prone Isometric I, Y, T’s (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds each)
- Base: Laying flat face down on the floor, exercise mat, bench, or table, begin by lifting your chest and raising your arms in either the I, Y, or T position and hold. Focus on engaging your scapulas (shoulder blades) by squeezing them back together and down your back. Hold position and repeat with other movements.
- Weighted Isometric Forward Raise (2-3 sets of 10-30 seconds twice on each side)
- Base: Standing straight up holding a weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, bottles, textbooks, etc.) straight raise your arms forward until your hands are shoulder height and hold.
- Progression 1: Standing straight up holding a weight by squeezing with open hands (2 small weighted plates or 2 books/textbooks) straight raise your arms forward until your hands are shoulder height and hold.