Home Base

Home Base Outpatient Clinic

The outpatient clinic offers in-person and virtual treatment to Veterans, Service Members and their Families affected by invisible wounds

Emergency Care

​​If you or a Family Member is in crisis or facing an emergency, do not use the Connect With Care form. Go to the nearest emergency room or call the Veterans Crisis Line at 988 then Press 1.

What is the Home Base Outpatient Clinic?

The Home Base Outpatient Clinic treats Veterans, Service Members and Family Members affected by invisible wounds, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, mild cognitive impairment due to traumatic brain injury, substance use disorders and related conditions.

Our team includes Veteran Outreach Coordinators (VOCs), Family Outreach Coordinators, psychologists, social workers, traumatic brain injury specialists, neuropsychologists and psychiatrists. Our clinicians provide confidential and compassionate evidence-based assessment; group and individual treatment; couples therapy; and medication management. We work with each individual to build a unique treatment plan that is specific to the individual’s needs.

About the Program

The program provides participants with:
  • Comprehensive Evaluation
  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Couples Therapy
  • Parenting Education Groups
  • Reintegration Groups
  • Stress Reduction & Resiliency Groups
  • Support & Education
  • Fitness, Nutrition, Yoga, Art & Tai Chi
  • Case Management
  • Medication Management
  • Wellness Programs
  • Program Cost

    All outpatient clinical programs are offered at no cost to the participant

  • Eligibility

    Veterans of all eras; Active Duty Service Members, including National Guard and Reserve Service Members; and their Families

  • Area of Service

    In-person and virtual care are offered in Massachusetts ⁠— for telehealth appointments, the patient must be logged on within the state of Massachusetts ⁠— with the exception of the Resiliency programs, which are available nationwide

The outpatient clinic treats  ...

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    PTSD develops after a person has been directly exposed to, witnessed or heard about a traumatic event, and involves a threat of severe bodily harm or loss of life to themselves or others.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    TBI occurs when a person experiences a head injury or concussion and has felt dazed and confused, had “their bell rung” or been knocked unconscious.

  • Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

    MST refers to experiences of sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment while on federal active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty training.

  • Major Depressive Disorder (Depression)

    Depression negatively affects how you feel, think and act. It can cause feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in activities; lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems; and decrease your ability to function at work and at home.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Anxiety)

    Anxiety is characterized by long-lasting, excessive worry about life issues and day-to-day life. People experiencing anxiety often find it difficult to relax and have an inability to stop worrying, even in the absence of major life stress.

  • Bereavement-Related Adjustment Issues and Prolonged Grief Disorder

    Grief is a natural response to the loss of a loved one. For most people, the symptoms of grief begin to decrease over time. However, for a small group of people, the feeling of intense grief persists, and the symptoms are severe enough to cause problems and stop them from continuing with their lives. Treatment is available for this intense and persistent grief that causes problems and interferes with daily life.

Want to Participate?

  • Step 1

    Click the Get Care button or call 617-724-5202

    to be connected to a member of our care team.

  • Step 2

    A member of our care team will follow up to discuss your specific needs and establish next steps

    to help develop an effective treatment plan that meets each individual’s needs.

  • Step 3

    Our care team will coordinate a plan so you can receive treatment at no cost to you or your family

    to get help overcoming the effects of invisible wounds and successfully return to family life, work, school and community.