Explore Innovation
The mission of research at Home Base is to heal the invisible wounds for service members, veterans and families through scientific development of new treatments, prevention interventions and clinical model delivery.
Featured Project: Home Base receives funding to pioneer innovative PTS treatment research
Home Base has received funding from the National Institute of Mental Health to conduct a research project – Mismatch vs. standard intervention during memory reconsolidation blockade with propranolol: effect on psychophysiological reactivity during traumatic imagery – that will attempt to further develop a novel intervention for posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTS) inspired by the science of memory reconsolidation. The project will be led by Home Base Senior Director of Research Kaloyan Tanev, MD, and Scott Orr, PhD, of Massachusetts General Hospital.
Prior trials have found that when propranolol is administered with the reactivation of a traumatic memory, the memory is weakened, as revealed by lower physiological responses to traumatic reminders. Participants who underwent traumatic memory reactivation and received propranolol showed a greater reduction of PTS, as revealed by lower physiological responses such as decreased heart rate, than those who received placebo.
The goal of the proposed study is to test whether intentionally incorporating an unexpected mismatch (MM) into traumatic memory reactivation can improve physiological outcomes. Throughout the six-week trial, the standard group participants will read the narrative the same way each time, while the MM group participants will be instructed to read the narrative in different, unexpected ways, such as by changing the chair they sit on while reading. The focus of the project is to assess whether the MM group shows lower physiological responses to traumatic reminders than the standard group. To our knowledge, the use of psychophysiological techniques to elucidate the role of MM in human memory reconsolidation and its blockade has not yet been attempted and, hence, is highly innovative.
Explore Innovation at Home Base

Research Publications
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Home Base Scientific Council
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Suicide Prevention Program
Learn about what Home Base is doing to prevent military suicides in local communities.
The Home Base Difference

Multi-disciplinary Team
Home Base’s care team includes clinicians from psychiatry, nursing, physical medicine and rehabilitation, sports medicine, imaging, eye and ear care, and nutrition. Home Base’s team also includes Veteran and Family outreach coordinators.
Home Base provides a complete cycle of care from initial intake to diagnosis and treatment.
Specialized Programming
Home Base launched the nation’s first and only programs for Special Operators & Families of the Fallen to treat the invisible wounds of war specific to their needs.
These specialized programs are offered at no cost to the participant or their family.