Advanced Fitness WOD – Human Performance 1.1
Basic Warm Up:
- Standing Knee Hugs – 4x each side
- World’s Greatest Stretch – 3 reaches each arm on each side
- Hamstring Rockers – 5x each side
- Deep Squat Hold – 30s
- Deep Squat Ankle Rockers – 20s
- Hip Openers/Airplanes – 5x each side
- Plank w/ Shoulder Tap to Downward Dog 5x
- Hip Focused Cat/Cows – 5x
- Bird Dog Planks or Bird Dogs – 5x each side
- Plank to Opposing Toe Touch – 2x each side
Strength Focused Circuit 3 Rounds (do each exercise once for each round; minimal rest between rounds):
- Bent Over Single Arm Rows – 8x each side (use band, kettle bell, or dumbbell)
- Advance with single leg stance (weight in opposite hand from standing leg)
- Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift – 6-8x each side
- Advance by adding weight (weight in opposite hand from standing leg)
- Advance further by exploding upwards with high knee drive
- Advance even further by adding weight and explosive movement
- Weighted Good Mornings/Goat Bag Swings – 10x
- Weighted Pull Over – 10x
- Advance by holding a hip bridge during movement
- Advance further by holding hips and knees in a 90/90 position
Power Focused Circuit 4 Rounds (do each exercise once for each round; minimal rest between rounds):
- Squat Jump with Mini Jump – 5x
- Weighted Single Arm Push Press – 5x each side
Conditioning (HIIT/Tabata) Circuit 1 Round for 4mins 20sec:10sec work:rest ratio:
- Weighted Swings/Weighted Goblet Squats/Weighted Dead Lifts
- Shallow and Quick Lateral Jumps (AKA Skater Hops)
Cool Down Stretches:
- True Hip Flexor Stretch – 30s each side
- Arms Overhead Lateral Stretch – 30s each side
- Hip Adductor Rockers – 10x each side
- Quadruped T-Spine Stretches – 30s each side