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Advanced Fitness WOD – Human Performance 1.1


Basic Warm Up:

  1. Standing Knee Hugs – 4x each side
  2. World’s Greatest Stretch – 3 reaches each arm on each side
  3. Hamstring Rockers – 5x each side


  1. Deep Squat Hold – 30s
  2. Deep Squat Ankle Rockers – 20s
  3. Hip Openers/Airplanes – 5x each side


  1. Plank w/ Shoulder Tap to Downward Dog 5x
  2. Hip Focused Cat/Cows – 5x
  3. Bird Dog Planks or Bird Dogs – 5x each side
  4. Plank to Opposing Toe Touch – 2x each side


Strength Focused Circuit 3 Rounds (do each exercise once for each round; minimal rest between rounds):

  1. Bent Over Single Arm Rows – 8x each side (use band, kettle bell, or dumbbell)
    1. Advance with single leg stance (weight in opposite hand from standing leg)
  2. Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift – 6-8x each side
    1. Advance by adding weight (weight in opposite hand from standing leg)
    2. Advance further by exploding upwards with high knee drive
    3. Advance even further by adding weight and explosive movement
  3. Weighted Good Mornings/Goat Bag Swings – 10x
  4. Weighted Pull Over – 10x
    1. Advance by holding a hip bridge during movement
    2. Advance further by holding hips and knees in a 90/90 position


Power Focused Circuit 4 Rounds (do each exercise once for each round; minimal rest between rounds):

  1. Squat Jump with Mini Jump – 5x
  2. Weighted Single Arm Push Press – 5x each side


Conditioning (HIIT/Tabata) Circuit 1 Round for 4mins 20sec:10sec work:rest ratio:

  1. Weighted Swings/Weighted Goblet Squats/Weighted Dead Lifts
  2. Shallow and Quick Lateral Jumps (AKA Skater Hops)


Cool Down Stretches:

  1. True Hip Flexor Stretch – 30s each side
  2. Arms Overhead Lateral Stretch – 30s each side
  3. Hip Adductor Rockers – 10x each side
  4. Quadruped T-Spine Stretches – 30s each side