Veterans Day Message from General (ret.) Fred Franks, Honorary Director, Home Base Florida
Dear Veterans and Families of Florida,
On this Veterans Day 2023, we express our deepest gratitude to all those who have selflessly served our great Nation and continue to serve today in our Armed Forces and your Families. To our Veterans and Families, Service Members and Military Families serving today, your dedicated commitment, courage, competence, and sacrifices define the unwavering strength and resilience of our Nation. All of you made a difference when it counted. On behalf of my wife and I, our Home Base Florida Director Armando Hernandez, and our entire team, we honor you all and thank you for your service and sacrifice.
On Veteran’s Day this year our Nation once again is calling upon the courage and of our current serving members of our Armed Forces on land, at sea, and in the air positioned already and also moving to the Middle East as our Nation stands for Israel in their defense against the barbaric horrific terrorist attacks by Hamas on 7 October as well as serving our Nation’s other interests and forces already stationed in that region. As we honor those who have served in the past, we also extend our heartfelt support and admiration to those currently in service, facing these urgent challenges as well as others are in Europe and in the Pacific.
Florida is home to more than 1.5 million Veterans. Our Home Base mission is to ensure they have access to the highest quality care possible they earned by their service and sacrifice for us all. While we celebrate your service this Veterans Day, we also acknowledge the challenges that you and your Families may face.
I strongly feel that when men and women volunteer to serve – that one half of one percent who swear an oath to support and defend our Constitution with their lives as that might be necessary – there is created an implied trust that we will be there for them when they return home. Home Base is committed to fulfilling that our Veterans and Families here in Florida at no cost through our Programs of Fitness and Wellness, outpatient behavioral health, and our Adventure Series.
This year, for example, Home Base Florida has witnessed a remarkable 67% increase in connections to care through our Outpatient Clinical Programs. Our commitment to providing confidential counseling services tailored to the specific needs of Veterans and their Families remains firm. Whether at Lee Health, the David Lawrence Center, Tampa General Hospital, via Telehealth to our Intensive Clinical Program in Boston, Home Base Florida is ready to connect Veterans and their Families to essential care. The surge this year in care demonstrates the growing need for behavioral health support. Our other Programs are equally there for our Veterans and Families.
We encourage you to reach out to Home Base Florida for the support and care you deserve as well as assist us in our mission to assist and honor our Veterans. If you or a loved one are interested in Home Base Florida, please contact us at 239-338-8389.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. I am honored and proud with our Home Base team to be in your ranks this Veterans Day and every day.

Frederick M. Franks, Jr.
General (Ret.), US Army
Honorary Director, Home Base Florida
Home Base, A Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Program