Florida Traumatic Brain Injury Care
The goal of our brain health services is to improve the lives of Veterans and families struggling with traumatic brain injury across the State of Florida.
Now available at Tampa General Hospital
Many Veterans and their families struggle with battling traumatic brain injury (TBI), which occurs when a person experiences a head injury or concussion and has felt dazed and confused, had “their bell rung” or been knocked unconscious.
In partnership with USF Health, Home Base Florida and Tampa General Hospital (TGH) provides brain health services with the goal of improving the lives of all Veterans and families in the Tampa Bay region struggling with TBI, regardless of ability to pay or discharge status.
Home Base Florida, with its expertise in treating the invisible wounds of war, plays a vital role in bringing evidence-based care and an innovative treatment approach to TBI recovery. Together with TGH’s world-class team of clinicians – including physiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, physical therapists and speech language pathologists – we provide a thorough assessment to ensure that patients are provided with a personalized treatment and rehabilitation plan as well as confidential and compassionate care.
Home Base Florida and TGH are committed to ensuring Veterans and their families navigate the complexities of TBI care through dedicated nurse navigators who offer guidance, answer questions and provide support along the way. Veterans may experience improvements in TBI-related symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, memory problems, depression symptoms and improved ability to function at home and in the community.
Brain health services at TGH include, but are not limited to: