Francisco Melendez

Francisco Melendez is a student at Boston University’s school of social work and an Intern at Homebase working in the ICP program. Francisco is currently studying for his master’s degree in social work with a focus on clinical work at Boston University, but also holds a bachelor’s in psychology from Boston University.

Therapeutic treatments and mental health have been a great interest to Francisco because of their importance to individual wellbeing as well as community. Francisco believes that the best way to focus on a problem is to deal with the individual parts because they make up the whole and that helping Individual military members and their families will help the greater community as a whole.

Francisco is passionate about working with veterans, service members and their families because it presents a good opportunity to give back to the community and serve those who have served their country. Francisco is also interested in learning more about the type of treatment and services that veterans need and how Homebase specialized programs help to best serve this community.