Adventure Series: Family Firepower Program at USS Constitution Ship and Museum

Experience USS Constitution in a new way–as recruits on her historic 1812 gun crew! Family Firepower is a fun, active, and educational program that encourages participating families to work together as a team. You’ll be trained in the art of loading, aiming, and firing the long guns of USS Constitution with a film canister alka-seltzer cannon, and then put these new skills to the test to pass powder, run mock gun drills, and visit behind-the-scenes spaces on USS Constitution. This program includes time in the Museum and on the Ship and is co-facilitated by Museum educators and the U.S. Navy crew of “Old Ironsides.”

The event will be on Saturday, April 15th from 1-3 pm at the USS Constitution Museum, Building 22, Charlestown Navy Yard, Charlestown, MA 02129. Children over age 10 are welcome at this event. The museum is wheelchair accessible, though the ship is not. Parking will be provided for free at the Home Base parking lot at One Constitution Road, Charlestown, MA 02129. The Orange and Green lines stop at North Station, and the museum is either a 17-minute walk away or the 93 bus stops a three-minute walk away from the museum. Tickets are limited for this event and Home Base will likely run a lottery. Register by Monday, April 3rd at 5 pm for a chance to attend!